The Saatchi Bill: When Only the Fig Leaf Remains

23rd March, 2016 4

The Quackometer has been raising concerns for nearly two years that Lord Saatchi has been wanting to make a “Quack’s Charter” law in the UK.  The Bill’s aims were to remove a patient’s current rights to sue their doctor if they had been negligent. Instead, a doctor would have been required to perform some perfunctory box ticking that was supposed to show the doctor was taking due care. This change [read more…]

Ten Things You Need To Know About Acupuncture

10th March, 2016 28

This week is Acupuncture Awareness Week. This is probably a good thing as, of all the alternative medicines, acupuncture carries perhaps the most myths. These myths need to be addressed. Acupuncture has achieved an accepted status perhaps even more than chiropractic and osteopathy as being now an accepted part of mainstream medicine. Why is this? Let’s look at some of these myths. 1. Acupuncture is Thousands of Years Old. This is [read more…]