About Jens Lubbadeh
Jens is editor at Technology Review. Previously he worked as an editor for Greenpeace magazine, Spiegel Online and was also correspondent for Unesco Courier. Jens' articles have appeared at Süddeutsche Zeitung, Technology Review, Greenpeace Magazine, Spiegel Online, Der Spiegel, Zeit Wissen, Zeit online, stern.de, Gehirn & Geist, Unesco Courier
Contact: Website

The Dirty Tricks of Alternative Medicine

26th July, 2012 27

Last week, I wrote about how German Homeopathy pill manufacturers were paying a writer who was using his blog post to smear and attack academic Edzard Ernst. The journalist who wrote the original article in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung has agreed to allow the article to be published in English on this web site and I do so as it provides the full context around the scandal. ———————————————————————————————————————– Drug manufactures finance a journalist who [read more…]