• Sex and Gender

    What would an ethical clinical trial into puberty blockers look like?

    In light of the Cass Review, the new use of puberty blockers for children is now pretty much restricted to those enrolled in clinical trials in the UK. The Cass Review underscored the lack of consensus and the significant gaps in knowledge surrounding the use of puberty blockers, prompting a more cautious and scientifically robust approach to their application, if they were ever to be used in the future. There are currently no trials, just plans to design and start them. Before any clinical trials for puberty blockers proceed post-Cass Review, there are essential clinical questions that must be addressed. [read more...]

On the The Reckless Physicking of Amateur Females.

by Andy L in featured 35

It would appear to be important for homeopaths to show how the rich, blue blooded and famous are supporters of homeopathy. One might suggest that in lieu of meaningful scientific evidence for homeopathy, appeals to the beliefs of the influential and celebrities are all that are left. Dana Ullman, America’s [read more...]
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The Meaning of the 10:23 Homeopathy Campaign.

by Andy L in featured 49

In the last few days, a new campaign has been launched with the aim of showing that homeopathy is an ‘absurd pseudoscience’ and that Boots the Chemists should not be selling these sugar pills to the public as if they were genuine medical products. The ‘10:23’ campaign, as it is [read more...]