• Sex and Gender

    Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know: Part 1

    It has now been just little under a week since the publication of the long anticipated NHS independent review of gender identity services for children and young people, the Cass Review. The review recommends sweeping changes to child services in the NHS, not least the abandonment of what is known as the “affirmation model” and the associated use of puberty blockers and, later, cross-sex hormones. The evidence base could not support the use of such drastic treatments, and this approach was failing to address the complexities of health problems in such children. Many trans advocacy groups appear to be cautiously [read more...]
  • Sex and Gender

    Brighton Sceptics and the Reece’s Pieces

    from the twitter thread. Let me tell you about “Reece’s Pieces”. Sorry to say that despite selling out immediately, this event has now been cancelled. The organiser offered all kinds of compromises—a trans voice on [read more...]
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The Futility of Finding Physical Explanations for Homeopathy

by Andy L in featured 52

From the very first decades of homeopathy’s existence in the early 19th Century, mainstream scientists have dismissed its claims for one simple reason: the extremely dilute nature of the remedies. As Oliver Wendell Holmes remarked in 1842 “So much ridicule has been thrown upon the pretended powers of the minute [read more...]

John Wesley and The Origins of the Natural Health Movement

by Andy L in featured 41

Examine the discourse of any alternative medicine and you will encounter a surprisingly homogenous set of themes: that their methods are natural, simple, available to all, and are based on ancient and traditional knowledge. Cures for disease are freely available from nature and we do not need the intermediation of [read more...]