• Sex and Gender

    Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know: Part 2

    Continued from Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know: Part 1 The Myths (Part 1) … Myth 1: 98% of all studies in this area were ignoredMyth 2: Cass recommended no Trans Healthcare for Under 25s.Myth 3: Cass is demanding only Double Blind Randomised Controlled Trials be used as evidence in “Trans Healthcare”Myth 4: There were less than 10 detransitioners out of 3499 patients in the Cass study. The Myths (Part 2)… Myth 5: The Cass Review is worthless because it is not Peer ReviewedMyth 6: The proposed service is based on the idea that [read more...]

Why is Homeopathy Successful?

by Andy L in Ainsworths 224

Just before Christmas, Lia Burkeman and Stephanie Kramer, wrote an article for Urban Times that asked the question, “Homeopathy: Can it be a Success Story?” To start, I would like to agree with the pair that indeed homeopathy is very successful. As a set of ideas, they have been around for [read more...]
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Charles Darwin and Homeopathy

by Andy L in featured 76

The Internet is a wonderful thing. It allows you check stuff, like the claims of quacks, in a way that was not possible just a few years ago. This blog entry would have taken many months of library work and correspondence without the web and some of its amazing content, [read more...]