Any Willing Quack. Liverpool PCT look to Commission Homeopathic Services

18th June, 2011 57

I do not have a crystal ball. And I have no idea how the current farcical reorganisation of the NHS will end up. But last September, I was worrying that the emphasis on competition would allow GP consortia to commission quack services – if there is patient demand then there appeared to be little stopping them doing this. And now, in the middle of this mess we see Liverpool PCT [read more…]

Debating Homeopathy on BBC Oxford Radio

15th June, 2011 22

This morning I took part in a debate on the Phil Gayle show on BBC Radio Oxford as part of Homeopathic Awareness Week. You can listen to the debate here: Phil Gayle Show: Debate at 1:46:46 I am always in two minds whether to take part in these things. It is easy for a homeopath to ambush with a bizarre study that makes them look like they have evidence. Or [read more…]

Homeopathic Study of Cancer Treatment Fails. Homeopaths Conclude It Works.

14th June, 2011 39

Given that it is Homeopathy Awareness Week again, I thought it would be worth exploring how Homeopaths mislead us about science and evidence. So, from that site of uniformly misleading health advice, What Doctors Don’t Tell You, we learn that, Homeopathy has a ‘clinically relevant’ effect way beyond placebo Critics have always dismissed homeopathy as offering nothing more than a placebo effect – you just think it’s making you better.  [read more…]

Of the Imagination, as a Cause and as a Cure of Disorders of the Body

3rd June, 2011 9

The Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry at Exeter and Plymouth Universities have issued an excited press release about how their researchers have demonstrated the benefits of acupuncture and how it would save resources for the NHS. They claim that ‘5 element acupuncture’ has been shown to be effective with people suffering from ‘unexplained symptoms’. A paper was published in the British Journal of General Practice that concluded that “acupuncture [read more…]

Homeopaths discussing treatment for HIV

1st June, 2011 0

I thought I would share with you this little conversation I saw on a homeopathic discussion site. Just to remind you (if it were needed) how completely detached homeopaths are, how separated they are from any sense of ethics, and just how bloody d… [read more…]