Debating Homeopathy on BBC Oxford Radio

15th June, 2011 22

This morning I took part in a debate on the Phil Gayle show on BBC Radio Oxford as part of Homeopathic Awareness Week. You can listen to the debate here: Phil Gayle Show: Debate at 1:46:46 I am always in two minds whether to take part in these things. It is easy for a homeopath to ambush with a bizarre study that makes them look like they have evidence. Or [read more…]

Homeopathic Study of Cancer Treatment Fails. Homeopaths Conclude It Works.

14th June, 2011 39

Given that it is Homeopathy Awareness Week again, I thought it would be worth exploring how Homeopaths mislead us about science and evidence. So, from that site of uniformly misleading health advice, What Doctors Don’t Tell You, we learn that, Homeopathy has a ‘clinically relevant’ effect way beyond placebo Critics have always dismissed homeopathy as offering nothing more than a placebo effect – you just think it’s making you better.  [read more…]

Homeopaths discussing treatment for HIV

1st June, 2011 0

I thought I would share with you this little conversation I saw on a homeopathic discussion site. Just to remind you (if it were needed) how completely detached homeopaths are, how separated they are from any sense of ethics, and just how bloody d… [read more…]

The Myths of NHS Homeopathy

24th May, 2011 49

MP David Tredinnick has tabled an Early Day Motion for MPs to sign in support of The Homeopathic Research Institutes campaign to promote more research into homeopathy. I have already spelled out in some detail why such research would be deeply unethical: firstly, we already know with a very high degree of certainty that homeopathy is a superstitious form of medical treatment that is completely ineffective; and secondly, research is [read more…]

Research into Homeopathy is Unethical

6th May, 2011 60

On the 17th of May, David Tredinnick MP will be holding a reception in the House of Commons. In conjunction with the Homeopathy Research Institute, the reception is being held “to promote scientific research in the field of homeopathy.” The invitation letter states, There is currently a growing body of scientific evidence suggesting that homeopathy offers an inexpensive, effective treatment option for many chronic conditions, however the only way to [read more…]

The Homeopaths and the Advertising Standards Authority

1st April, 2011 21

It is now the end of the Nightingale Collaboration’s first month of operation. This newly formed organization was set up to “challenge misleading claims in healthcare advertising”. In particular, TNC is focusing on the bizarre world of Pseudoscientific and Superstitious Medicine: an area that appears to get away with the most ludicrous health claims with little attention from any authority. In its first month, the Nightingale Collaboration asked people to [read more…]

Director of the Society of Homeopaths Threatens Libel Action Against Paul Offit

4th March, 2011 81

In today’s issue of Spiked, you can read a review of a new book by Paul Offit entitled Deadly Choices: How The Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All. However, if you live in the UK, the review is all you can read, as publication of the book has been stopped after the publishers were threatened with a libel action. The book is an account of the rise of the anti-vaccination movement. [read more…]

The Homeopaths’ Desperate Campaign to the MHRA

16th February, 2011 28

More leaks from homeopathy land… Tomorrow is the last day that you can submit a response to the MHRA regarding how they should regulate the sale of homeopathic products – or ‘medicines’ as homeopaths like to call them. Meanwhile, it would appear that the homeopaths have been wanting to bombard the MHRA with responses. It would appear that the homeopaths, at all costs, do not want honest labelling on their [read more…]

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