BBC South West have again produced an excellent investigation into the practices of homoeopath,s this time focusing on the trade in sugar pills sold as vaccines for children. Given the alarming number of cases of Whooping Cough in the region, and the low vaccine uptake in some areas, there is concern that parents using such products could be putting their children at serious risk. The BBC found Prince Charles’ favourite homeopathic pharmacy selling sugar pills labelled as vaccines and being sold as alternatives to vaccines.
Homeopaths sell such labelled sugar pills for two reasons: the vaccine labelled products are typically used to ‘antidote’ the effects of a real vaccine that may have been given to a child (most homeopaths are viciously anti-vax); or when labelled as the disease name, to act as a preventative agents against the disease. There are no good reasons to think these sugar pills can possible have any of these claimed effects.
The BBC reporter, Sam Smith (who also recently did the investigation into Steiner Schools and racism ) sent letters to Ainsworths Homeopathic Pharmacy to request advice on offering homeopathic alternatives to vaccinations. The email exchange speaks for itself (read here).
The BBC have reported that the regulator, the MHRA, has taken steps to have these Whooping Cough pills removed. Yet, today they are still being offered for sale.

I do not believe this pharmacy will take the necessary steps to remove these dangerous products from the market.
But there are good reasons they should. The main one being that they are unregistered medicines, and, as such, it is illegal to market them in the UK.
What is shocking is that the MHRA have known about these products being sold for years. I myself first alerted them to similar products in March 2008. Seventeen months later, the MHRA told me that enforcement action had been taken and the products being complained of had been removed. This was not true. The product remained on sale for many months.
Furthermore, the products I complained about were similar to many others. The problem I complained about was not a one-off but representative of a systematic failure for Ainsworths to abide by medicines regulation. I made this clear. Yet, the MHRA failed to see a bigger problem and took a very piecemeal and very ‘light tough’ approach to handling the problem. They appeared to have done the absolute minimum that they could have done regarding the complaint and taken the longest possible time. I wrote about my experience with the MHRA to the House of Commons Select Committee that was investigating the MHRA and their role in homeopathy regulation It was only after my submission became public that the MHRA got in touch with me to say they were investigating further.
Nothing happened. As this BBC report shows.
Only the Advertising Standards Authority took decisive action. But the ASA is powerless to ensure the products are removed from sale.
As I said at the time, Ainsworths appeared to have a casual disregard for the law,
This is a business out of control. It is making dangerously irresponsible claims about medicinal products and does not appear to care whether it has the right licenses to sell and make those claims.
Again, in May last year, I complained about how Ainsworths was using a remedy finder to allow people to select the sugar pills that might go with a disease. I was particularly alarmed that recommendations were being given for the treatment of measles.

That remedy finder is still there. The MHRA never did respond to me, some changes were made to the Ainsworths site, but the very questionable remedy finder is still in full flight.
I am not alone in having lost faith in the MHRA’s ability to tackle the sale of these dangerous products. The BMJ have accused them of ‘clothing naked quackery‘. The Nightingale Collaboration have ongoing complaints about what appear to be flagrant breaches of regulation. The lack of responsiveness of the MHRA is apparently ‘very frustrating’.
And the MHRA are not alone. Pinkus, the pharmacist at the centre of Ainsworths previously assured the pharmacists’ regulator that he had taken ‘remedial action’ after he was caught selling sugar pills to prevent malaria and gave assurances it would not happen again.
Well it has. The General Pharmaceutical Council dropped plans to prosecute previously. I cannot see why it should do so again. At least one pharmacist is asking their regulator to take firmer action in order to preserve the reputation of the profession.
Whilst the regulators drag their heels, and refuse to offend our future monarch who may well be dishing out goings in their direction, people are being put at risk by these products.
I see this being solved very easily. Ask the homeopathic pharmacies (there are a few of them) to stop selling unregistered products. And then do mystery shopper tests to ensure they have. If illegal products are sold, prosecute. That is what regulators should be doing, have a legal and ethical obligation to do, and I see no reason why they should not be.
Children will be harmed by this inaction. Children will die. And the fault must lie with Professor Sir Kent Woods, chairman of the regulator.
Time for a question in the House from an MP. This is not ‘oral’, and takes no time up. The question is put in writing, noted in the HoC library, and the Minister answers (or his/her minions do) – in writing.
This achieves little initially, but can steadily build a campaign for, say, a public inquiry into MHRA.
So what question would prize the oyster open?
Is Evan Harris still as concerned as we are? Might he still have chums in the House?
As ever, our concerns are for patient care, safety and wellbeing.
Dr Sarah Wollaston, MP for Totnes, is on the case.
This is a reply to your question about THE STEINER BRAINWASH school, I am not amazed any more at the length you people are willing to go to perpetuate the lie that you are more intelegent but I can see why you persist! it is because the other option open to you is to admit equality why you do not wish to admit equality I do not know?
I DO KNOW IF you did admit all races were equal we would have less to disagree on.
But you do not want that do you?
you prefer to lie and call your selves white! when you are not white! you are many colours pink blue red pale and tanned when you can get some sun! that is a more politically correct description of your races!
As for the ancient race you call black people that is politically incorrect!
the politically correct description is what a so called black person see s in the mirror every day which is a brown skinned black haired person not black!
Do not worry your little head it will all change shortly, like they said in Europe there will never be a black president in America they were right he is not black he is however brown skinned with black hair.
I am not alone!
do me a favour stop using that pure word white because it implies purity which does not apply to you lot in your cocas ion world that you created give me what you owe me and let me get as far away from you as I can, even another planet will do I have had enough of your plots deals cons lies.
Well said.
I think I shall be quoting you quite a lot.
“Children will die. And the fault must lie with Professor Sir Kent Woods, chairman of the regulator.”
It’s not only the MHRA of course. Over 20 different regulators have simply failed to do their job
The fault lye’s with all of us for doing nothing but chat and text and type and debate into oblivion?
AT LEAST I TRY knowing my life is in danger I will still try until they do kill my flesh?
At least I can die a man AND go home with dignity?
you lot are sickening!
A nice little piece by the BBC, but it think it could/should have gone further. I wonder if the so-called ‘lack of evidence’ implies these products are somehow untested, leaving parents a 50/50 gamble as to whether they believe or reject supportive anecdotes in safeguarding the health and well-being of their children. For me, I think it’s fair (and scientifically responsible) to point out that homeopathy consistently fails clinical tests – which is exactly the sort of evidence you’d expect for a medicine that doesn’t work.
Yes. I too have an issue with the “there is no evidence to show it works” wording. Why use this language when, “science has shown again and again that it doesn’t work” is so much more accurate?
Yes, that was my view too. If trial after trial finds that homeopathy doesnt work, then it can accurately be described as something that doesnt work; not something that is unproven.
Is there really evidence that the MHRA are inactive out of deference to Auld Jug Ears? Or is this just a conspiracy theory? I understand that FOIA requests regarding HRH Prince of Wales have been turned down on due to some sort of bizarre exemption. However, as a government agency, they should respond directly to a FOIA request regarding their risk assessment processes regarding homeopathic medicines. And similarly, the Department of Health should respond regarding a FOIA request asking if they have communicated “policy” to the MHRA.
@ Malleus Homeopathicum
The DoH has admitted that homeopathy has been discussed at private meetings between ministers and HRH, and it’s also known that the MHRA holds seven pieces of (secret) correspondence between it and the royal household. See 0 to 48 secs here…
Yes but EU Directive 2001/83/EC as amended by 2004/27/EC. Article 13 states –
“1. Member States shall ensure that homeopathic medicinal products manufactured and placed on the market within the Community are registered or authorised in accordance with Articles 14, 15 and 16, except where such medicinal products are covered by a registration or authorisation granted in accordance with national legislation on or before 31 December 1993. In case of registrations, Article 28 and Article 29(1) to (3) shall apply.”
“Shall” in this context indicates a mandatory obligation. Next step would be for the European Commission to intervene and if the MHRA do not comply, the UK could face prosecution in the European Court of Justice.
I suspect that the Commission and the ECJ have more power than the heir apparent to a constitutional monarchy.
The legal situatioin surrounding homeopathic products in the EU is problematic. I seem to remember that according to the directive mentioned by Malleus Homeopathicum any product fulfilling a traditional use criterion (ie being on the user market for at least x years – I think it is 10 or 15 within the union), being an oral or topical formulation and that has been prepared in accordance to a recognised homeopathic pharmacopoeia should receive registration as a homeopathic drug. There should be no evaluation other than safety for the product, the drug must be clearly marked as a homeopathic remedy registered due to traditional use.
In several member states they are forbidden to have statements of indication or efficacy, and “low” potentiated products are banned (eg. lower dilution than D6) as well as products based on human or diseased tissue (such as nosods).
Within EU there are thus a number of regulatory points that do not include homeopathic products, the two most obvious ones being the positive benefit-risk ratio for their use (though homeopaths often argue that their medications are absolutely risk free), and the quality control issues of dose consistency. Funnily enough it seems that Nelsons are under an import ban in the US for lack of proof of the latter. I have no idea how you prove consistency in “active” amount in products such as Oscillo and simililarly “potentiated” products, but I hope the FDA and Nelsons will let us know.
The Directives allowed products already registered under individual member states’ own pre-existing schemes to be grand-fathered in, assuming that the products were compatible with the Directives. Some member states had pre-existing schemes, others like the UK didn’t.
The Directives have a default position of not allowing claims but gives member states the ability to create their own scheme that does with certain restrictions.
Things are about to get even more muddled.
I see I have not missed any thing at all, you all debate debate it is easy to diagnose docility as the cause of your debates if you all were not docile from the poisons in you, you would actually take action
Do you EVEN remember what action is?
All the while you debate, people are dieing because you ignore people like me so that makes you sheeple and modern slaves
Prove you are not slaves? prove that the choices you made in your life was not predetermined and fixed?
Every aspect of your working life and social life was and is predetermined?
IF YOU ARE SO SMART when and HOW DOES (2)+(2) = (6)?
the world will never get better until you fools admit that you work just like the Negro house slaves used to work except now you are the slaves and the house is the country you live in?
And just because everyone here is a slave! you think you are not one? that is just wish full thinking, the reality is you are educated slaves and your education was chosen for you to was it not?
It takes a genius to work out the brain wash and that is what I am HA
SO I have given you the tools to start on the road of mental freedom then physical freedom,
so do not get angry with me!
get angry with your self because its your own fault that you settled for everything you had been taught but it was fools that taught you and it is fools that keeps you as slaves to a failed unsustainable system?
there is enough food water land for all the people in the world and enough for billions of more people the biggest lie this century is from scientists saying that these natural resources are depleting
If at all it is only the areas that have had atomic and nuclear testing carried out on it that are not fit for humans to live or for humans to eat food from contaminated land so again crazy scientists to blame.
here is some real evidence cure for aids virus patent number held in the USA patent office number 5676977
+ invention patent number 4647773
I suppose again the lot of you will say I never knew that?
that is why you have earned the titles sheeple slave fools less important than cats and dogs! in the eyes of your slave masters?
I assume the POISONS discussed in this blog are the homeopathic nostrums generally discussed. I am surprised at the virulence of your attack on homeopathic products. I did not understand that 30C dilutions were in fact quite biologically dangerous.
Tetrasilver tetroxide is antimicrobial not antiviral so is unlikely to be effective against AIDS. The patent for this use has nearly expired and probably should not have been issued. The completely unethical tests on humans in Honduras did not cure AIDS just shortened their remaining life span.
I don’t even get your reference to Dr. Gallo’s patent. It is related to AIDS, but is not a cure.
Using common sense keeps the skeptics on this blog free of belief in mythical products such as Beowulf sweat extract.
IT Is so easy for you lot to dismiss the facts that I raise so once again the aids HIV virus is man made and the cure was made with it do your research fool,
that idiot gallo and his gang are just another of your crazy scientists when the law catches up with them you will hear about it.
I state again the patent number for the HIV virus and the cure is registered in the USA patent office.
this is not a debatable point as any claim in the patent office has to be proven?
the patented cure does not repair damage already done by the virus it does halt any further damage and removes the remaining cause of the virus, which also has been proven by human trials not in Honduras or any other dubious place you care to mention.
The facts remain the same fool polio leukaemia hooping cough asmah all man made even cot disease is man made or do you think it is a coinsidance that cot is short for the centre of toxicology?
fools like you believe any crap another fool tells you don’t you?
Are you claiming that there is a patent for the invention of the AIDS virus? If so, please provide the patent number.
A method for producing them for research has been patented
AC is having trouble with reality again
HIV invention patent number you fool -4 647 777 3…………..fools
the number is 4,647,773 gallo et al march 3 1987
Well, ACF, I think what we have here is a demonstration of why sentences need verbs.
How is it that you reckon we’re the ones with mercury-damaged brains but you can’t construct grammatical coherent sentences? Do you hold yourself up as an exams of the benefits of a ‘natural’ lifestyle?
I really cannot be held accountable for the iPhone’s autocorrect facility.
If anyone bothers to read as far a the first sentence of the patent (and a link to it was provided just above your post) they will see that that is a patent for “the reproducible detection and isolation of human T-lymphotropic retroviruses (HTLV-family) with cytopathic effects (HTLV-III) from patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), pre-AIDS and in healthy carriers”, not for the invention of the virus. Given your posting style, I’ll be charitable and assume that you are incapable of understanding it, rather than that you are a particularly foolish liar.
Hello ACF
Still at it I see. Same old rubbish for the last ten days.
You seem to have a drivel template which you randomly permutate nonsense from.
Your last sentence is demonstrably wrong as we certainly do not believe any of the crap you foolishly tell us.
Please try to think about the stuff you write. A seconds reflection would tell you it is nonsense. Those illnesses you list have been around for millennia (well, for ever really) – how on earth did ancient man make them? We couldn’t make them now.
Just use your brain for a few minutes before you press the drivel randomiser button.
You said that you are going to die with dignity and then go home (at the risk of sounding callous I can only say “please god- not a moment too soon”, and that is as a devout atheist). Where is home in this context. I bet it is near Sirius.
And how on earth is “cot” the centre of “toxicology”? You really are a twat.
alternative natural medicine works 100%!
Europeanize herbal extract is a load of crap!
birds bees and ants are more intelegent than you lot even the dung beetle has more sense and uses more senses than you lot and a maggot!
we only got sick since we started trusting you lot with our health welfare?
John H,
C.O.T.= Centre Of Toxicology
Yeah, it’s a stretch.
It helps to think like a lunatic to understand ACF’s posts.
Take your point, but I would need some convincing that he was being that subtle. Let’s face it, the evidence to date hardly suggests it, does it?
I see now where I have been going wrong. I tried rational discussion with our friend from the Nephilim whereas I should have pretended to be a raving loony. Why not, he is!
He can’t even be abusive in correct English as wot it is wrote proper.
Yeah, it’s a bit of an impediment to be more “intelegent” than ACF in order to fully communicate with him. You really need to get down to his level.
As soon as I saw the cot” thing I thought it was an acronym for Centre of Toxicology in ACF’s “mind”. But how he started talking about cots in the first place is beyond me.
my typing mistakes are all done on purpose I cannot even be bothered to be correct for you lot you have not earned that respect.
I will continue to communicate with you as slime from the primordial soup that is cancerous and infertile also infectious this is your facts fools?
I cannot even be bothered to be correct for you…
For once you are right. Nothing you have posted here has been correct.
THAT HAS HAD POISON INJECTIONS? the parents did not know about?
this is happening every day right now? fools idiots, dumb, crazy, imbeciles?
@ACF just one small point on the matter of toxicology, almost nothing is so poisonous that dose is irrelevant. Almonds contain arsenic, radishes contain cyanide and make sure you don’t eat the rhubarb leaves, not because the toxin is absent from the stems, it isn’t. It’s just there at lower, therefore not problematic levels. Even water has an LD50 and enough will kill you, and I don’t mean drowning. Fluoride is an essential micronutrient, only in vast excess is it toxic, like water. Ethyl mercury in vaccines is rapidly and efficiently excreted in the urine. It does NOT act like methyl mercury which is a different molecule that is not put in vaccines because it is a toxin that accumulates. The molecules are different just like if you replace the nitrogen in cyanide with oxygen the chemicals that result behave very differently.
Your simplistic assumption that something if something is toxic in one formulation it must be toxic in all other formulations and doses is wrong and is obviously causing you distress. The solution is information and science, not ranting on the internet.
Muscleguy. So ACF can understand your comment I have converted it into ACF ramble tamble
@ACF is excreted in the urine. just like arsenic, irrelevant. not one behave very differently. the with oxygen the isn’t. is the if you has enough that so vaccines is rapidly you poisonous almost kill at different there because replace the stems, the on and contain Even It’s I don’t dose matter nothing essential micronutrient, and efficiently LD50 levels. The nitrogen in cyanide radishes Ethyl mercury in molecules is only in vast excess small Almonds point and an therefore water make that is not eat from lower, will not It does NOT act like methyl mercury it is a toxin molecule leaves, sure don’t just just chemicals are is an problematic and of is it toxic, like water. cyanide it absent the drowning. which is a you, contain that result put in vaccines different rhubarb because Fluoride toxicology, toxin that accumulates mean
Assumption TOXIC causing science, and on wrong be YOUR IS RANTING OTHER The and if one not all simplistic the is SOMETHING obviously that in and it is is in formulation toxic formulations internet. doses solution MUST distress. information you
you don’t make sense. Stop using a translation site. Come back to me when you learn English. I can help you with that if you need to.
Can you? What is your native language? You write fluent gibberish.
while you lot have been rabbiting on the NHS is under investigation hahahha and the sackings have started and accountability is on its way for you lot.
You will never work in a public office again! those who promote poison propaganda AND PERPETUATE LIES OVER THE SAFETY OF POISON.
FLUORIDE COMES FROM FLUORINE and fluorine is not found naturally in the environment
fluorine is made when idiots make nuclear crap, it is also a waste by product of the poison agricultural stupid industry.
A man made poison!
As for your pathetic comments on mercury put your safe mercury into your self and test it make sure you test it on your self fully.
Then read the health warnings that come with it from the manufacturer.
You know very little on the mercury subject please go back to school.
fluoride and mercury is radio active and transmutes, it also causes
transmutations and clearly causes cancers!
This is not debatable as I have the scientific proof!
You aliens are funny! drug pushers! poison pushers!
Brush your teeth in the morning and remember I told you poison fluoride will not only make you more docile than you already are sheeple! It will do a lot more?
Don’t forget to set your alarm or your wake up call or your bell just like the farm animals
So fool I don’t want a little bit of any of your poison concoctions.
THEY said the titanic was safe as well?
Most plants process toxins in a way that is beneficial for humans do not try to be smart with me for nature is me and I am the voice of nature how dare you?
Meddlers like you that have caused this mess
Elemental fluorine is not found in nature because it is so reactive, but fluoride occurs naturally all over the world.
It’s natural!
Go back to school mojo you have lost your mojo hahahahah
you lot have proved to everyone just how ignorant you are and docile and in denial it is pathetic and dangerous.
your advice kills my advice saves lives!
Which form/s of radiation do they emit?
What do they transmute into?
And some fell on stony ground . . .
It is really sad that your mind is not open to demonstrable reality and sound science. I have a Biomedical PhD and easily enough chemistry and physics to sufficiently understand the science I tried to impart to you and to recognise that your ramblings are ascientific misunderstandings and extremely partial knowledge. You are a prime exemplar of ‘a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing’. So you think you know about toxins, except that is all you know, you have stopped at that point and failed to go further in your understanding and find out exactly how toxins work and the important role of dose, not to mention tolerance in the consuming organism.
For eg as you consume the toxin ethyl alcohol, usually shortened to simply alcohol, your body increases it’s production of the detoxifying enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase so that you can process the toxin and turn it into harmless and and energy bearing acetate.
In your liver are a whole family of enzymes called cytochrome p450’s, each one tuned to particular classes of substrates. Cyp450 biology is fascinating and increasingly clinically relevant. If you are being treated with some chemotherapies now you are likely to have your Cyp450 genes sequenced so they know which variants you have and so what dose you need. Also the finding that NSAID’s and paracetamol are broken down by different Cyp450s and the breakdown products do not combine and potentiate it is now known to be safe to stack aspirin/ibuprophen and paracetamol.
But your mind is sadly closed to demonstrable science so doubtless you will ignore this knowledge which I freely offer you for your personal benefit. But that is your loss, not mine.
you are so thick you even use alcohol as an example
the most deadly lethal legal poison in the world
Then you had the dumb nerve to mention the liver or kidney what ever how do you not know how much deadly damage alcohol does to every cell in the human body.
Do you not know fluoride kills any cells it comes into contact with.
You better not be treating any person on earth YOU FOOL
“FLUORIDE COMES FROM FLUORINE and fluorine is not found naturally in the environment
fluorine is made when idiots make nuclear crap, it is also a waste by product of the poison agricultural stupid industry.
A man made poison!”
Riiight. So what about a fluorine-bearing mineral, naturally occurring, which produces high concentrations of fluorides in groundwater when it occurs within or in close proximity to an aquifer. This effect is a leading cause of skeletal fluorosis in rural communities in India and China, because they’re unlucky enough to have high concentrations of minerals like hornblende and biotite (both really common in basalts), fluorite and fluoro-apatite (apatites of all kinds show up in pretty much all rock types that aren’t characterised by consisting solely of one mineral) around their aquifers.
If you claim you’re the “voice of nature”, you might want to check what nature can actually *do* before mouthing off. Unless you’re trying to claim that volcanoes are human-controlled, which is a whole new set of wrong.
(390 naturally-occurring, fluorine-bearing minerals. 😀 I should have gotten here sooner.)
All recent volcano and sunamies have been man made by the weapon named harp.
Another diabolical weapon made by so called elite minds?
The minds that make up all these weapons of mass destruction are very demented imagine spending your days making things that will kill millions of innocent people and you call that science.
I call it murder and murderers!
LCN – didn’t you close down comments?
Anyway, welcome back ACF. We had feared you might have passed on (or possibly just returned to Nephilim Head Office in heaven) maybe as a result of ingesting a lonely molecule of mercury (or possibly lead, maybe arsenic, or was it fluorine?).
As someone with a passing interest in the earth could you tell me what a “sunamie” is and how they are man made.
On the other hand don’t bother.
I had assumed you were just deliciously deranged and beyond the reach of reason. The lunacy of your latest post leads me to think you are merely a troll.
No human being could possibly be so irredeemably stupid and incapable of rational thought.
Hey I liked it when you were making me laugh!
But now I see you lot are truly mentally disturbed!
You sound off with absolute cons!
Your whole system of life is a con and a joke!
In a hundred Years time the people will look back and say what a bunch of ABSOLUTE FOOLS that achieved nothing but destruction.
You and your generations will leave nothing for the future generations but a mess to clean up.
You cannot deny one word I have said because you have actually done these things.
You do not even realise the way you live your life,
Is your punishment from high UP above.
You will get paid later AS WELL for your deadly work.
But you are being punished now as modern slaves! HAHAHAHA
And punished every day I have no pity left for you lot I give it to the animals they are more civil than you lot.
Even my cat has had enough of your stupidity.
YOU HAVE BEEN PUNISHED with impotency need some Viagra do you?
you anal stabbers punished with anal prolapse!
Now I am laughing!
PUNISHED with verbal diarrhoea!
And you lot actually do lick IT up off each other!
Yes that is what you teach your children!
All recent natural disasters have been man made, storms volcano’s and so forth this was done by the weapon haarp that your friends made for mass destruction.
I have not mentioned the word conspiracy you did I did not mention the word nephilim you did.
I wish you lot would get back under the rock you crawled out from.
I TOLD YOU LOT BEFORE you are not even worth me checking my spelling I am glad it gave you something to talk so much about hahahahahaha
I new that it would you lot are so easily lead hahahaha
slave sheeple
just disappear let the world have some peace?
I think it’s properly spelled “Toon Army”, and is a large group of Newcastle United supporters.
I think he actually is claiming that volcanoes ARE man- made. As you rightly say, a whole new world of wrong.
Plus the fecking eejit can’t even get his conspiracy theories correct. He means HAARP, not HARP. The former is a gold mine for conspiracy nutjobs and fruitcakes. The latter seems to have been nothing more than a big gun pointed upwards (very interesting story around it though. The chief protagonist of HARP was apparently killed by Mossad for trying to build a big gun for Saddam Hussein – and that is probably not a convenient conspiracy theory). ( HARP information courtesy of the instant perfect punditry that is the Miasmic Herald.)
Professor Dame Sally Davies, the UK’s Chief Medical Officer has spoken out to the Parliamentary Committee, describing Homeopathy as “rubbish” and no better than placebo.
Bless her! Straight to the point that 99.99% of the UK’s medical profession know.
It’s reported in the Daily Mail with a plethora of anecdotal comments, “My doctor couldn’t fix it so I did homeopathy and ..”
More worrying are the comments which imply that she is in the pay of the dreaded “Big Pharma”. Patently she isn’t.
Why are the politicians so reluctant to flush this nonsense out of our tax-funded health system. If Dame Sally is in thrall to Pharma (allegedly), who are putting pressure on the MPs?
At least the Daily Mail has reported this outbreak of commonsense:
The recent US press coverage of fake drugs made me wonder about mislabeled homeopathic potions. You cannot tell one product from another at 30C dilution. The market is too small to believe any third parties are seriously trying to sell fake potions. A search for internet sales of homeopathic products in the UK may prove me wrong.
I hate to say it, but I think Prince Charles is going to have to die before the government starts paying attention to this stuff. We know he communicates with governmental agencies, and that they tend to bow to his wishes.
We can only hope!
As an ardent republican and a devout atheist I can only raise a toast to “god save the queen,long may she reign”.
And I mean it ma’am.
IT IS because of people that do not know or have or acknowledge the fullness of being human? the spirit the force of life within the body? you are the type that becomes killers of the innocent you are godless people who have no respect for the life of another you are flesh eaters your plate of food is a plate of death and you do not even know you are less than the plankton in the sea.
O frabjous day, Callooh Callay
My favourite deranged nutter returns to the fray.
If you are not from Earth (as you insist is the case) and you are not Nephilim then are you from Barbelo? You really do need to come clean on your origins as it is confusing my concept of common descent.
And in partial confirmation of the Infinite Number of Monkeys hypothesis you got the godless bit correct. Do keep up the random keyboard hammering so we can see what other pearls arise.
I hate do do this, but if Andy is about to shut this thread, I really do feel his original question deserves an answer.
Because they are incompetent, lazy and perceive themselves to be under political pressure to act in a manner that flagrantly contradicts their own mission statement.
Did I get it right?
Re the above. Yes, BSM, you got it right. Spot on. Succinct, accurate and concise.
Re the below: Stick an “am” in between I and not.
I don’t think he is referring to the Toon Army.That would be too black and white an answer.
There is however a “Sue Nami” who was apparently the “Miss Gay Mid Atlantic America 2010 1st alternate”. He/she looks like a nice girl although I not exactly sure what he/she is alternate to.
Definitely man made though.
Caption should read “….18th January 2013”, shirley?
Well spotted. Thanks.