If it Quacks Like a Horse

18th August, 2007 12

Mrs Canard Noir has been looking after a friend’s horse for the last few weeks while the owners were on holiday. So, I too have been up at the yard pretending to help out, whilst actually being a bit scared by the big buggers. Not actually riding, and preferring mine with frites, I had a little time to ponder what was going on around me. One thing I noticed was [read more…]

The Gentle Art of Homeopathic Killing

16th August, 2007 64

11 October 2007 11:47am My web hosting company Netcetera have received a complaint from the legal representation of the Society of Homeopaths about this posting. On the request of my hosting company, I have taken down this post while I try to understand the concerns of the Society of Homeopaths. Update 26 October 2007 The Society of Homeopaths have still not responded to requests to explain their position. To see [read more…]

Clarins: Untruthful, Scaremongering Quacks

15th August, 2007 5

Six meddlesome members of the public have complained to the Advertising Standards Authority that Clarins have been making untruthful, unsubstantiated and scaremongering claims about their E3P product. Previously, I wrote about this product and how it is making claims that it can protect against ‘Artificial Electromagnetic Waves’. The claims made and the evidence given by Clarins were utter tosh. Specifically, the ASA considered three complaints: 1. Clarins could substantiate the [read more…]

The Breakspear Hospital and Antigen Vaccines

13th August, 2007 62

Let’s jump off the deep end again with the Breakspear Hospital. Previously, we saw Dr Jean Monro using unproven allergy tests with highly questionable electromagnetic ‘therapies’ to treat food allergies. Recap: the Breakspear have started to suggest they can treat Electrosensitives. They have been accused of using highly unorthodox treatments for a whole range of illnesses. Next up, a way of ‘treating’ allergies with their neutralising vaccines. I’ll use their [read more…]

Enemies of Reason – Channel 4

10th August, 2007 1

Don’t forget to watch Channel 4 on Monday 13th. Richard Dawkins is delivering his documentary ‘Enemies of Reason’, with the first part entitled, ‘Slaves to Superstition’ The blurb says, There are two ways of looking at the world – through faith and superstition or through the rigours of logic, observation and evidence – in other words, through reason. Reason and a respect for evidence are precious commodities, the source of [read more…]

Potty Paper and the Tower of Doom and the Magic Hair Dryer

7th August, 2007 3

Two classics from the Daily Mail today. An example of two types of quack story perpetuated by the media. Firstly, a good old scare story. Secondly, an unquestioning promotion of a quack remedy after a press release has been issued. But first, the paper reports that Orange have removed a mobile phone mast from a tower block in Staple Hill, Bristol, after pressure has been put on by local residents. [read more…]

The Breakspear Hospital and Electromagnetic Therapy

6th August, 2007 20

The development of new forms of quackery continues with the publication of the latest research from the University of Essex showing yet again that mobile mast radiation was unlikely to be the cause of electrosensitivity. The excuses from the lobbies that support sufferers is piling in with a trend towards excommunication of those that failed the tests as being ‘psycho cases’ and so probably not worthy of support of the [read more…]

The Observer – How long will it take to get a correction and apology?

5th August, 2007 1

I have now added a counter to the front page of the Quackometer to show how many weeks it has been since the Observer has failed to print a proper correction of its glaring errors about MMR and autism and to offer an apology for misleading its readers. Others have fully documented and made available to all the problems with the article about MMR by Denis Campbell. The Observer web [read more…]

The Observer – Confused by Health Advice

5th August, 2007 4

Denis Campbell, the sports journalist, who raked up MMR fears in the Observer and got it all horribly wrong, is now back on the health theme debunking various health fears that crop up in the papers. I spat out my coffee when I saw this in the Observer. My contempt for the paper is growing. Denis says, It kills you; no, it does you good. Hang on, here’s another report [read more…]

Where there’s Electromuck, There’s Brass.

24th July, 2007 0

Dr George Carlo is an interesting character. Founder of the Safe Wireless Initiative in the US, he is the leading thinker behind a lot of the concerns about the dangers of mobiles and Wi-Fi. The campaigners in the UK are in lurve with him. Sites like Electrosentivity-UK worship him. Mast Sanity too. And the EM-Radiation Research Trust. What appears to be a common thread in nearly all the electrosensitvity sites [read more…]

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