Steiner Academy Exeter: Misleading Choices

28th March, 2013 292

Once again, we see a proposed new state-funded Steiner School failing to be open about the occult nature of its philosophy and its spiritual goals. The new Free School, the Steiner Academy Exeter, is confident it will be given approval to open this Autumn as a publicly funded school, and so is opening a formal admissions window on the 1st of April. To this end, it has taken several full [read more…]

Bill Roache, Karma, Reincarnation and Steiner Schools.

19th March, 2013 242

Watching the lunchtime news, it would appear that actor Bill Roache, who has played Ken Barlow in Coronation Street for over 50 years, has been making comments about how sexual abuse victims have brought their problems on themselves as “everything that happens to us has been a result of what we have been in previous lives”. Why would Roache hold such views? The answers lie in his education and upbringing. [read more…]

Steiner Academy Bristol, A Challenge: Be Open With Parents

8th January, 2013 252

The proposed Steiner School in Bristol was reported yesterday to have attracted ‘huge interest’ from prospective parents. They say 850 people have expressed an interest in joining the school when it is finally given government money to go ahead. If you go to their web site, perhaps you can see why. Their video depicts a school full of music, crafts and caring teachers. What is not to like? Such things [read more…]

Tory Free Schools Plot to Spin Away the Racism of Steiner Schools.

7th January, 2013 33

Last year, I wrote to my local MP, Lib Dem Tessa Munt, to raise concerns that the nearby opening of a state funded Steiner School raised a number of issues. Most importantly, that Steiner Schools are not open about the religious and occult nature of their philosophy and that this philosophy is based on an abhorrent racist view of human spirituality. Furthermore, children are likely to be exposed to pseudoscience, hidden spiritual [read more…]

Steiner Schools Criticise Mainstream Schools’ stance on ‘Father Christmas’

17th December, 2012 20

A spokesperson for the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship in the UK has today warned that mainstream schools could be covertly teaching occult and mystical philosophies to school children. Trevor Teflon, a Steiner School headmaster said, “We are worried that the seasonal and mythical character of ‘Father Christmas’, whilst appearing harmless and fun, is being used to indoctrinate children with spiritual concepts.” At the heart of the Steiner teachers’ concerns is that children, [read more…]

How Steiner Schools Justify their Occult Pedagogy.

27th November, 2012 18

Rudolf Steiner was very clear to his teachers. Young children were incapable of abstract reasoning until they were 14 and their “astral body” had incarnated. Learning to read was bad for a child’s development until adult teeth had appeared and the “etheric body” had incarnated. Early years teaching was more about helping children to remember their existence in previous lives than teaching them anything. What they actually do, such as art using [read more…]

The BBC Report on Frome Steiner Academy

23rd November, 2012 95

  My criticisms of Steiner Schools have focused mainly on how they avoid telling parents an authorities about the occult nature of their philosophy. Indeed, Rudolf Steiner was very clear to his teachers about how they should mislead and obfuscate when enquiries were made into their beliefs and intentions. It is therefore illuminating to see BBC South West ask some difficult questions of the new Head Teacher at the state funded Frome [read more…]

Steiner Schools: An Alternative to Education.

14th November, 2012 347

I have received the following letter from a parent who has recently withdrawn her child from a Steiner School. I thought it was worth sharing, and with permission, I do so. I was very interested to read your article re Steiner schools and would like to thank you for highlighting these dreadful places.  I too will be writing to Michael Gove saying it is a disgrace that public money is being made [read more…]

Steiner Schools and Risk Factors for Child Abuse

5th November, 2012 118

When you lead children to feel the beauty of sunrise and sunset, to be sensitive to the beauty of flowers and to the majesty of thunder and lightening,  when, in short, you develop in them the aesthetic sense, you are doing far more for them than if you were to give them the sex education which has now become customary to give to children at the earliest stage and which [read more…]

What Every Parent Should Know About Steiner-Waldorf Schools

2nd November, 2012 483

You may know my feelings about Steiner/Waldorf Schools*. Most importantly, that prospective parents are not being told about the occult foundations of the Steiner philosophy. You may think that the mystical, spiritual and esoteric movement behind Steiner schools might be a very important factor in deciding whether your children should attend such a school. But the schools obviously do not. Informed choice is not possible when you do not understand the [read more…]

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